Casa Buonarroti – Florence
Artemisia in the Michelangelo museum
Florence, Casa Buonarroti, 27 September 2023 – 8 January 2024
The exhibition, curated by director Alessandro Cecchi, was created by Culturanuova based on a project by its owner Massimo Chimenti and with the fundamental support of Calliope Arts and Christian Levett.
The exhibition project is a significant example of integration between the exhibition of works of great cultural value and multimedia which aims to amplify the visitor’s emotion and convey information with a contemporary language, understandable even to a non-specialist audience.
Multimedia is already present in the first room, entitled La Fama, where the video projection on an entire wall recounts the Florentine fortune of Artemisia Gentileschi and acts as a counterpoint to the works and documents on display.
The second room is dedicated to the protagonist of the exhibition: the Inclination by Artemisia Gentileschi. For its exhibition we designed a special easel which displays it as if suspended in space, free from the ceiling frames of the Galleria Buonarrotiana where it will return at the end of the exhibition.
The third room is dedicated to the restoration of the Inclination – carried out by Elizabet Wiks – and to the virtual reconstruction of the original appearance of the painting: a completely naked female figure, without the veils commissioned from Volterra by the heir of Michelangelo the Younger.
The installation offers the visitor the same easel as the previous room, on which however a white canvas is placed. Thanks to a particular video projection, the canvas takes on the colors of the photographic and diagnostic shots taken before, during and after the restoration, while on the back wall the story is enriched by films of the restoration and detailed images. The story ends with the spectacular virtual reconstruction of the work without veils, as it was created by Artemisia commissioned by Michelangelo the Younger.